The rising popularity of Organic food
the organic sector currently estimated at 9% per annum across all EU countries.
Sales of organic food produce appear to be rising across American and European consumers not just fruit and vegetables but fish, dairy and grocery itmes such as olive oil, pasta and cooking sauces Organic food found some celebrity to promote it such as Jamie Oliver. In UK, the Organic market is worth £1,4 billon pa. and accounts for 18% of all grocery sales and grew by 5,6% in 2016. In the saem time, the industrial food saw its sales contract by 0,6% in the same period.
Despite the buoyancy of the English food market, the UK still lags behind its European counterparts in terms of annual per capita spend on organic. Britons spend approximately 28 euros per person on organic food each year compared with 162 euros in Denmark and 97 euros in Germany. In order to popularize organic food in the UK, the EU awarded the organic Trade Board (OTB) £ 10,4 million to run a three year campaign in partnership with Denmark (read more on the organic Trade Board
In Denmark, half the population buys organic products every weeks and 80% at leat every month organi food sales estimated at 10% of all food sales in 2016; Denmark’s organic industry hasd benefited from the long-running support of major retailers including Netto the discount supermarket chain owned by dank Supermarked the Danish equivalent of Tesco in the UK;
The biggest organic market is that of the USA with annual sales of more than £35 bn.